Tidings of the Season!

We wish you all of the best at this time of year! Not everyone celebrates the same or even chooses to celebrate but this season still brings out so much that is positive and generous in all of us, and we would like to thank everyone who cares for cats, who helps to ensure their future of health and happiness through colony care, adoption, volunteering, and donating. Thank you all for the difference you have made this year and all the years!

Black Cat Giving Tuesday

Feral Fixers’ Black Cat Giving Tuesday Fundraiser continues! We are currently at 82% of our goal as I write this! Our campaign continues until midnight of 12/31/24, you still have a week to participate – it would be tremendous if we could reach our goal! This fundraiser has matching funds of $25,000! It is heartwarming to see the pictures and hear the stories that come with the donations. This one way in which we realize the impact we have on the lives of the cats and people we encounter. Megan is an example of your impact; she is such a happy kitten!  Meeting our goal gives us the confidence that we can continue to spay and neuter hundreds of cats in the coming year. While we are focusing on black cats, please visit our adoptables and think about adopting a new family member. Our donors are making such a difference, please help us get to our goal!

Upcoming Adoption Events

  • Saturday, 12/28, 11am-3pm, at Feral Fixers, 330 Eisenhower Ln N, Lombard, IL
  • Saturday, 1/4, 11am – 3pm, at Feral Fixers, 330 Eisenhower Ln N, Lombard, IL
  • Sunday, 1/12, 1pm - 4pm, at Feral Fixers, 330 Eisenhower Ln N, Lombard, IL

We have over 70 cats and kittens available for adoption! We have not finalized our list for Saturday, 12/28 but come visit! Get pre-approved, check out our posted felines and a meeting can be arranged upon application approval even if they will not be in attendance during an adoption event. Come see our cats and find the right fit for you! Application here. Change their lives and yours!

Last Trip For 2024!

We still have kittens in foster requiring s/n and there have been a few injured cats. We’ve relocated several Working Cats – they may go into nice warm barns and warehouses to bond with their new home. So much yet to do! Please join us for upcoming events and think about volunteering with us in the coming year. This is the time of year when we work very hard on adoptions and fundraising.

  • 12/23 – DCAS – 4 friendlies, 2 males, 2 females. These are the last kittens we have in foster that will soon be available for adoption. The last Echo Point kitten and a litter of bottle babies born at the beginning of September.

Total: December - 20, year to date - 854, since 2007 - 15,734.

As Many As Possible As Soon As Possible

Is It on Your Calendar? - Frosty Claws 2025

Frosty Claws!! Sunday, January 19th, from 12 noon to 4PM, VFW Post 2801, 39 E St. Charles Rd, Villa Park. Join us for food, beverages, boutique, Silent Auction, door prizes, raffles and the company of fellow cat lovers! The Stick Raffle returns, and we will once again be accepting coin donations with our Coins for Cats! We welcome donations for our fundraisers, please contact Tammy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to donate new or antique items. If you would gift it to a friend or family member, our attendees would love to bid on it! Hope to see you there!

Mosquito Treatments Poison Cats

Yeah, its December, but it is always time to look into the impact you are having on animals and pollinators.

Here are some snippets of info from these articles:

“Cats lack sufficient levels of a liver enzyme that helps detoxify pyrethroids and can thus develop what is called pyrethroid toxicosis. A good indicator of cat sensitivity to pyrethroids is the standard warning of keeping cats away from pyrethroid-treated dogs. I.e., if you dose your dog with a large amount of pyrethroids (to kill fleas, e.g.), cats that cuddle with the dog are at risk. If you’d like to see a video of rag doll cat with pyrethroid poisoning (you probably don’t), here’s a video.”

Not just cats but monarch caterpillars, even weeks later, die due to the presence of insecticide dried onto milkweed leaves. The spray can kill honeybees, even if honeybees are inside their hives when the pyrethroids are spayed (workers bring small amounts back to the hive the following day if they land on treated plants or if they find small puddles of water to drink). Sublethal amounts of pyrethroids can change honeybee behavior and make workers smaller. Pyrethroids kill fireflies, which are most active in a yard in the late evening when mosquito-spraying franchises like to fog. I will not look at those mosquito treatment vans the same way ever again. Unfortunately, the municipal trucks also may be spraying adulticide pyrethrins. Something to think about as you await the return of green grass and warmer temperatures!

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