Feral Fixers hosts its second TNR Workshop

On June 20th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, at the Bow Wow Playground located at 400 W St. Charles Road in Villa Park, Feral Fixers will host its second TNR Workshop. This workshop will tell you about the "whys" and show you the "hows" of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). You will learn how to coordinate your efforts with others in the neighborhood that may be feeding the cats, how to use to humane traps and trap dividers and tricks to use to catch those wily cats who are trap-wise.

Come and listen to our cat and trapping guru (and Feral Fixers President) Tammy McAuley as she shows you the ropes and answers all your questions. Please bring your friends and anyone else who may want to learn more about Trap-Neuter-Return.

You can also download our TNR Workshop flier to post in your neighborhood stores and bulletin boards and pass out to your friends and neighbors.

See you there!

Help us celebrate National Feral Cat Day!


October 16th was National Feral Cat Day. This event, started by Alley Cat Allies in 2001, is celebrated by thousands of people across the U.S., who participate in fundraisers, adoption events, or spay/neuter drives in order to draw attention to the special needs of stray and feral cats.

Feral Fixers has had over 1,300 cats spayed/neutered since its inception a little more than two years ago. We are getting ready to celebrate the third National Feral Cat Day that has occurred since we got started - and we're going to do this by bringing in more cats to be spayed/neutered on that day. Our number one equipment need is more traps. Our stockpile of 50+ traps is in constant use and managing who gets these traps and how long they can keep them is a major logistical headache for us. If we can purchase some more traps we can TNR even more cats than we do today.

Our favorite traps are made by Tomahawk and our preferred trapping ones are the Model 608s. Our goal is to raise $800 by the end of this month so that we can purchase 10 more of these traps. If we can succeed in raising this money, it will greatly help us increase our efforts in DuPage County.

Please help us help the cats by "Chipping In". All you have to do click the "ChipIn!" button. This will allow you to donate to the Feral Fixers Trap Fund via using PayPal.

Thank you!

Update - October 26th, 2009 - in addition to the contributions shown above ($455.00 as of this date), we've also raised another $270 from people giving us checks specifically for this campaign. So, we've raised a total of $725.00 so far - help us get those last few dollars so we can purchase these 10 traps. Thank you!

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