Yesterday, Feral Fixers brought six more cats to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic to be fixed.
Tammy gives us the rundown on the six cats:
6 ferals. 2 males, 4 females. One of the males comes from Andre's (#4000) neighborhood and has had the same flea collar on for two years. It finally came off today!
It was jam-packed this morning and Charli did not get out of there til very late. Jodi and Bob were not even supposed to get there for pickup til 6 PM and did not leave to come back til 7 PM.
Everybody had surgery and everybody seems okay.
A shelter was trying to trap a dog and got a cat - and of course called us. So we already have one for Thursday as a result.
Everyone should wish for the coolest August on record!
Thanks Tammy. And thanks to super-volunteers Charli, Jodi and Bob for doing transport and I'm 99.9999% sure that Judy was at Tammy's in the morning and evening helping out, so thanks to Judy too!
With these six cats, Feral Fixers finishes up July with 110 cats. For the year, we've fixed 520 cats and, overall, we've fixed 4,025 cats!