We brought in 24 more cats to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic on Thursday. I'll let our President, Tammy, tell the tale of all the goings-on...
Ted and Jennifer transported the cats in on Thursday and Mary and Jodie picked them up from PAWS.
Trapper Mary was responsible for coordinating the TNR of 17 of the 24 cats we took in.
Of the 24 cats, 2 were friendlies and 22 were ferals. There were 8 males out of the 24 cats, so that means that 16 females will not be having kittens this year - possibly 80+ fewer cats to add to the overpopulation!!!
In addition, Ted picked up a food donation from U.S. Bones and delivered it to Mary's house for storage, where Casey helped with the unloading. Two cats were transported to a shelter to be adopted out.
We do so much with so few volunteers - imagine what we could do with more!!!
And of course Tammy was coordinating all of this, taking care of the cats in her care, being home to receive cats and have them picked up, being on the phone, etc., etc., etc...
With these 24 cats, we've now processed 72 cats for March, 151 for 2012 and 3,656 overall.