It's nearly Oberweis time! This coming Thursday, February 2nd, Feral Fixers will benefit from a fundraiser being held at the Bloomingdale Oberweis store (located on Army Trail Road, just East of Gary Avenue) and on Sunday, the 12th, Feral fixers will benefit from a fundraiser being held at the Glen Ellyn Oberweis store (located at 651 Roosevelt Road, in Glen Ellyn).

Feral Fixers will receive up to 30% of items purchased in the store on those days if those purchases are accompanied by Feral Fixers fundraising coupons.

You can download the Bloomingdale coupon (for the 2nd) here.

You can download the Glen Ellyn store coupon (for the 12th) here.

Ummm, ice cream - who cares if it's winter!

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