Well, we just want to cry.
We're trying to do as many cats as possible before the year ends. Our fosters are beyond full. We're really on our last nerve and holding out for December 15th.
Super-volunteer Judy went to a location today, the woman had said there were lots of cats.
A woman was foreclosed upon. Before she left, she opened her upstairs windows, allowing the cats out on the roof. What could she have been thinking?
So, if we have the story straight, there are roughly 20 pretty much friendly cats hanging around this house and neighborhood.
They aren't meant to be outside.
Of course they aren't neutered. We can take care of that. They may have to be done as ferals with an eartip, as their temperament may take some work and we don't have that kind of time for 20 cats. See friendlies have to be handleable at the time they go into the clinic - it is only fair to the vets at PAWS to only give them cats they can handle when they go in as friendlies.
We need fosters for what we will call the Roof Cats. These are not tiny kittens. They are 6 months old and older.
We need help.
Fostering them will take time and understanding.
Please help.
The humane societies cannot respond. The police know about it. Animal control would probably not be able to save them, they don't have the time or space either.
These cats have not been outside for very long and ferals start preparing for winter back in September. They do not have the fat layer or the heavy coat that they need for even the current temperatures and it takes time for both of those to build up.
There will be no financial support from the former owner. She opened the windows!
Please open your homes, open your hearts to these victims of society and please help us help them!