Don't forget - Sunday, October 16th, is National Feral Cat Day and our Celebrate 3000! Breakfast and fundraiser. Details about the time and location of the event are posted on our website's main page.

Based on the number of Early Bird tickets we sold, we are hoping for a large turnout. This event is going to be a lot of fun and will be a wonderful way to celebrate National Feral Cat Day.

Please come on out and show your support for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Feral Fixers.

As an "added attraction", Feral Fixers will be officially unveiling (and offering for sale) our custom, one-of-a-kind "Chip Pins". These pins are individually made and will be offered for sale for $55/each. More details can be found in this months "Letter From The President". They are going to be this fall's "must have' fashion accessory and you can be one of the first to procure one on Sunday!

Hope to see you all there!

(Click on the picture thumbnail of the "Chip Pin" to see a full-size version of the picture)

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