There are many different areas in DuPage that are inhospitable to feral cats. None were more threatening than Elmhurst.

When you start doing TNR, experts will advise you to pick a location that is “easy”, so you can build your credibility without risk. We never worked that way, the need was just too great, all over!

Then a few towns accepted TNR unofficially, they referred residents to us, even reimbursed us for costs, but did not publicly proclaim TNR as the accepted method for dealing with feral cats. And we are immensely grateful for those agreements!

Then a group of people in Elmhurst came together, were initially going to form a separate organization, encountered some difficulties with that, but the individuals stayed strong and pursued the City of Elmhurst, working to change their stance on feral cats. One individual made the phone calls, spoke in town meetings, committee meetings and finally persevered and the City of Elmhurst publicly endorses TNR as the way that residents should deal with stray and feral cats in their town. This individual does not want to accept our praise and gratitude alone and insists that it took the group to make this happen, and we will honor their wishes, but


We have neutered over 236 cats at 42 locations in Elmhurst since 2008 as of this writing. I am sure that the numbers will climb rapidly as more people learn that TNR is accepted and accessible! And as more people learn the right way to care for feral cats, resulting in fewer neighbor complaints, the entire town will benefit.

Not only has Elmhurst publicly embraced TNR, but they have recommended that their residents call Feral Fixers when they see a stray or feral cat. Some months ago, they posted an article about TNR and Feral fixers on their website and now they have endorsed TNR and Feral Fixers (again) in their community newsletter, The Front Porch.

Please take any and every opportunity to praise the City of Elmhurst for their progressive, positive and fiscally responsible decision to embrace TNR!!!

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