So far our generous donors have contributed more than $1,700 - enough to cover 31 kittens - we've received donations in the mail, too! So that means we're accumulating at better than a rate of one kitten a day!
In the past week we've been contacted by a little over 20 caretakers - almost all with kittens, from one kitten to seventeen, from just born to 10 weeks old. While overwhelming, it's also a good sign - people aren't ignoring the problem, they are trying to do something about it and we are one of the few organizations that can help them.
Your donations are making us much more hopeful in the face of this onslaught - thank you so much! We've been extremely fortunate - very few females are eluding us - we get the kittens and the mom, too - can't wait for next Spring to see how many fewer kittens there will be then.
If you have not had the time to respond to our plea, have not had time to pass it on to your cat-caring friends, please take the time now as our need does not currently seem to have an end in sight!
Thank you for your continued and very much appreciated support!"
(Click on the picture thumbnail of "Pistol Pete", one of the kittens we'll be taking care of, to see a larger version of his picture. The owner/caretaker says that this picture captures his personality "perfectly"!)