Yesterday, I drove to Harvard, Illinois to pick up a pallet of cat food that had, once again, been donated to Feral Fixers by the Animal Services and Assistance Program (ASAP). Cindy Gaffney and her wonderful organization are out of Kishwaukee and they help many, many organizations with these food donations.
There were fifty (50!) bags of dried cat food on the pallet, and several willing hands to help me load them into my son's SUV.
I took the bags to super-volunteer Mary's house where her husband, Sal, helped me unload it and put it into their 'delivery truck' (Mary takes care of several colonies in her area).
This is the third or fourth (or fifth?) cat food donation we've received from ASAP and, all I can say is; "Thank you! We couldn't do what we do without you!).
(The pictures are of the cat food, of course. The first one is of the bags on the pallet while the second shows how they look in the back of the SUV. Click on either of them to view a larger picture.)