Hello humans! It's time for me to share some feline wit and wisdom with you. This is part of my ongoing efforts to educate you humans on your proper role and the correct way to interact with your feline companions.

This first item is one of the posters in the "Be Prepared" series, hosted by ICanHazCheezburger.com. The lesson in this poster is, besides being prepared, is "You can never have too much cat food on hand".

This next item is a video and was suggested to me via email earlier this week. It's a classic and is part of the best-selling feline instructional video entitled "How to train your human - the basics". The lesson here, of course, is to not ignore your cat when they want breakfast. Doing so will only lead to grief...

Finally, we have another video clip from the "How to train your human..." series. This is of a similar theme and will show the measures we will resort to when you humans don't feed us dinner. Again the lesson is clear - ignoring us is a stupid thing to do.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this week's lessons! I'll be posting new items next week. In the meantime, if you have any ideas about what you'd like to see in this column, just email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."

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