Feral Fixers has processed 33 more cats through the PAWS-Chicago Spay / Neuter clinic in these past 3 days.
We brought 35 cats to the clinic, but one of them was rejected by the PAWS staff and one, very unfortunately, had to be euthanized. The examining vet rejected one of the cats on Tuesday, saying that she thought the cat looked very dehydrated and, over-all, not well, and she feared that the cat would not make it out of anaesthesia. It turns out that her assessment was very probably correct; Tammy has been keeping this cat (a 'friendly'), trying to hydrate it and to have it put on weight, but it's condition seems to be deteriorating. Only time will tell the future for this cat.
The one that had to be euthanized was a very sad case. It appeared to be OK before surgery, but reacted very badly to the anaesthetic - it 'crashed'. The PAWS veterinarians were able to revive the cat but were very concerned about its health. In consultation with our President, Tammy, they took it to the local VCA hospital for further examination and supportive care. The vet who examined the cat had to suction blood out of the cat's lungs and did not think the cat could be saved. In consultation with Tammy, they then euthanized the cat.
This is a very rare occurrence, but it does happen. I'm very glad that PAWS proactively did what they could to try and save this cat; it's just very unfortunate that they were unable to.
With these 33 cats, Feral Fixers has now processed 80 cats for the month of August, 509 for this year and 1,120 overall.