Come Join Us!
The deadline for ticket purchase for the 15th Anniversary Celebration is 9/25/23 midnight and mail in purchases need to be postmarked by 9/25. We need to know how many guests so we know how much food!
There is so much going on, people are very busy and this is not the usual time of year when we have an event. We get it. So far, we’re under 80 attendees but we’ve had big surges for other events very close to the deadline – never know! Wanted to let you all know it is not going to be a jam-packed but very casual it seems! Very grateful to those who plan to spend time with us to celebrate this milestone and look forward to seeing all of you! Our goal was a stress-free event where everyone could have a really good time and interact with other cat people, donors and volunteers. Cannot wait!
The Double Tree, 2111 Butterfield, Downers Grove is a great location, easily accessible by all!
It may be last-minute but come join us!
The Trips Keep On Coming!
9/15 – ADOPT – 5 friendlies, 4 ferals, 5 males, 4 females.
9/21 – DCAS – 9 friendlies, 20 ferals, 12 males, 17 females. Big day!
9/22 – ADOPT – 3 friendlies, 11 ferals, 7 males, 7 females. We’re sort of caught up on kittens! But they are still coming in! Big year for kittens!
Total for September – 108, year-to-date – 689, since 2007 – 14,641! Can you believe it!
5 friendlies, 4 ferals waiting for their trip to ADOPT on 9/15/23. | 11 ferals and three friendlies for the trip on 9/22 |