July Over, On to August!

  • 7/27 – DCAS – 32 friendlies, 3 ferals, 18 female, 17 male. Catching up on the backlog of kittens!
  • 7/28 – ADOPT – 10 friendlies, 1 feral, 8 female, 3 males. Yes, even more kittens.
  • 8/3 – DCAS – 10 friendlies, 15 ferals, 15 females, 10 males. Unfortunately, one feral female died on the table and could not be resuscitated.
  • 8/4 – 6 friendlies, 2 ferals, 4 females, 4 males. ADOPT admitted all 6 kittens into their adoption program!

July total 114, August to date 32, in 2023 we’ve neutered 503, since our start 14,455. We’re at the halfway mark to achieving 1,000 this year!

The numbers are always changing but right now we still have 62 kittens that will need s/n in the next month. Each day brings another phone call that involves kittens – for now, we are referring many to DuPage County Animal Services – we just can’t absorb them all! Speaking of kittens, our donors have been sending lots of kitten food, but we always need more, they are eating machines! Listed on our Amazon Wish List and Chewy Wish lists, thank you for your help!

We need more s/n transporters for Thursdays and Fridays. Required: SUV capable of holding traps and carriers. For AM - be at the building 7:45AM, load up, deliver to DCAS or ADOPT depending on the day. For PM – pickup is 3:30 – 4:30-ish from DCAS or ADOPT, bring to the building, unload – and don’t forget the paperwork! Traps with a cat inside can weigh over 25lbs for an adult, carriers can be a breeze with a 2.5lb kitten inside. Please consider and fill out a volunteer application soon!

With the steps under construction, cats were loaded directly into vehicles for their trip for s/n. They all fit!

PetSmart Adoption Event – August 19th 11 – 3

Adopting from Feral Fixers not only brings joy to your life but also enables us to save another life from the streets! We have wonderful fosters, but they are a limited resource, often as soon as their last of a litter is adopted, we’re asking them to take another litter. Our goal is to reduce the numbers of cats outside, improve the lives of all the cats we interact with and improve the lives of adopters as well! Fill out an adoption application in advance or just stop in on Saturday 8/19 11 – 3, at the Downers Grove PetSmart and check out our incredible cats/kittens. Hope to see you there!


More new kittens - Wooly Bear shielding Wooster's eyes - don't look at the humans!

Back Step Progress

The rain has affected our progress on the back steps but hopefully cement will be poured in the next few days. Soon after that a railing will be installed, and the back steps will be safer for coming and going – we’re all getting older and it has been a concern!

The concrete walkway was all twisty and a trip hazard - we're getting that straightened out!

First step to redoing the steps - disassembling the timber framing and digging out the beds & concrete.

So much concrete will be needed!

Gravel and framing for steps!

Upcoming Feral Fixers 2023 Raffle

We have been so busy, and I have been more consumed with the cat in front of me rather than fundraising – go figure! This Raffle is worth the wait – you could win gift certificates from area vendors, airline tickets, a quilt created by JoEllen, a raffle package with a variety of alcohol – enough to throw a party for sure – 7 raffle packages in all! The Feral Fixers 2023 Raffle starts 8/15 and goes to midnight 9/15. You can purchase tickets online or mail-in, but the deadline is September 15th no matter the method of submission. Drawing 9/20. Our last Raffle was so much fun for the participants, check it out!

Anniversary Event

We will have our 15th Anniversary Event on October 1st, at the Double Tree Suites by Hilton at 2111 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove. And, showing how short of time we are, we will be almost into our 16th year at that point – the official date of Feral Fixers’ creation is October 8th, 2007. We will also be over our 14,000th cat and well on our way towards 15,000! The event will be 12 noon 12:30pm – 4pm, with a Deli Board buffet from 1pm to 3pm, catered by Double Tree. We will have more details soon but wanted everyone to get this on their calendar!!!

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