As the trapping season is winding down for 2022, I wanted to share a summary of where we are with all of the friendly cats & kittens we rescued in 2022, what still needs to be done, and pay tribute to the many volunteers who are helping to ensure that each of these cats & kittens has a happy ending.
Since the start of trapping season in the spring of 2022, we rescued ~320 friendly cats & kittens, of which ~290 were kittens.
We have found homes for ~195 of these ~290 kittens so far. We still have ~95 kittens in our care (mostly in foster homes and a few in our building) for whom we need to find loving homes.
~30 of the friendlies we rescued were adult cats, and sadly, 11 adult cats, who were previously adopted, were returned this year. So far this year we have placed 27 adult cats in loving homes, meaning we have 14 more adult cats still to be adopted.
To prepare our cats and kittens for adoption in 2022, we engaged 63 foster families, of which 40-45 are generally active at any given time.
We have also engaged ~40 volunteers to staff the 14 shifts/week required to care for the friendly cats and kittens in our building, awaiting either foster care or adoption.
It truly takes a village to accomplish all we do for our friendly cat & kittens to prepare them and transition them to loving homes. Whether it be battling difficult or unusual cat/kitten health issues, helping the most frightened kitten see that human love and interaction will make their life better, handling the routine cat/kitten feeding and scooping, or cleaning cages, crates, carriers, traps and litter boxes, our fosters and volunteers do it all! We should all be very proud!
Of course, all of this begins with the amazing rescue activities that Tammy and our lean but very talented group of trappers accomplish. They are the folks we need to thank for bringing these friendly cats and kittens off the street. Tammy's initial evaluation of the cats to determine their friendliness as well as her special kitten "boot camp" the first few days they are with us are critical to ensuring our cats and kittens start off on the road to socialization.
Many thanks to the volunteers who make our adoption events a success - Sara, Steve, Olivia, Christy, Candy, Shannon, Laura B, Trista, Vicki.
Many thanks to the foster families who have helped us and continue to help us with our 2022 friendly cats & kittens - Agnes, Amanda, Annie, Ashley, Barb, Becky, Bonnie, Catherine, Cheri, Christine, Christy, Chrystie, Connie, Corinna, Dawn, De, Debbie, Dedra, Denise, Diana, Diane, Edie, Emily, Gillian, Janet, Jason, Jenna, Jen, Jennifer/Jeremy, Jenny, Jessica, Jill M, Jill W, Jillian, Jinny, Joanna, John, Krista, Kurt, Laura B, Laura C, Laurie, Lesli, Lynne M, Lynne P, Marge/Murray, Michelle/Rick, Mirian, Nancy, Nivethan, Olivia, Rachel/Sephie, Ryan, Sara, Sarah C, Sarah M, Shelly, Stephanie, Taylor, Ted/Jean, Tracy/Oscar, Yingfen, Zenny.
Many thanks to the volunteers who care for the friendly cats & kittens in our building, clean our cages, crates, carriers, traps, litter boxes, etc, and help with general building maintenance - Trista, Laura B, Erika, Marylou/Abigail, Michelle/Rick, Vicki, Rita/Pat, Barb/Teresa, Maria/Laura, Shannon, Christy, Ashley, Elise, Sarah/Lauren, Lori, Heather, Olivia, Jane, Jeanise, Jeanene, Magdalena, Angie, Cindy, Kathy, Mary F, Mary S, Donna, Melisa, Kim, Krista, Lisa, Julie, Aaron, Alex.
Special thanks to Connie, Ted, Sara and Olivia for managing our social media and ensuring our adoptable cats and kittens are posted and get the attention they need to find loving homes. Special thanks to Dedra for tracking the medical care of all of our friendly cats and kittens and making sure they are scheduled for vaccinations and spay/neuter at the appropriate times. Special thanks to Marylou for creating the adoption contracts for all of our friendly cats & kittens.
Special thanks to Trista for overseeing the care of our friendly cats & kittens in the Cats in Transition (CiT) room in our building, training a continual stream of new volunteers, and ensuring that all 14 volunteer shifts are staffed every week. Special thanks to Olivia for becoming our Foster Co-coordinator and setting up and managing many of the new foster homes this year as well as helping to manage CiT activities. Special thanks to Laura B for managing the intake of friendly cats & kittens from the TNR room into the CiT room as well as helping to manage CiT activities.
Finally, special thanks to Catherine, for managing a foster room in her home with 14 or more volunteer shifts a week similar to CiT, and successfully fostering ~40 kittens and 2 adult cats this year.
An outstanding effort by all!
But the work is not done - we still need to find loving homes for the remaining ~95 kittens and 14 adult cats in our care.
Our final adoption event of the year is this Saturday, 12/10, from 11am-3pm, in our building in Lombard.
In January, we will restart our activities with adoption events ~every 2 weeks until we have successfully found homes for all of these remaining kittens and cats.
Thanks much for your continued dedication!