On October 10th we sent cats to both ADOPT and DCAS. 10 friendlies went to ADOPT, of which 6 were males and 4 were females and ADOPT generously kept 3 of the male kittens for adoption, a Siamese mix and two black smoke kittens who were very sweet. Also on 10/10, 19 cats went to DCAS, 17 ferals and 2 friendlies, composed of 7 males and 12 females. One of the female ferals had been limping, she had a large abscess on her right front elbow, the wound was lanced and drained and she received a Convenia shot and should heal up just fine.
These 29 cats bring us to 60 for October, 607 for the year and 11,578 to-date.
Taking A Week Off
We will not be processing cats the week of 10/17 but will be back at it for 10/24 & 10/31. The way the temperatures have been up and down, 11/5 is still questionable but that would be the last trip for ferals for the year. Surgery with shaved bellies and vaccinations can be too much for the cats to handle once they also have to cope with lowered temperatures. Caretakers should do the best they can to provide shelter, water and food thru the coming months and work on trapping as soon as the overnight temperatures are above 30 degrees consistently = usually April.
School/Student Donations
The P.A.W.S. Club of Wheaton North High School did a donation drive for us on Friday, October 11th during that blustery, wet weather! Huge thank you to them!
Builders Club members of Hadley Middle School in Glen Ellyn held a fundraiser – teachers submitted pictures of their pets, students “voted” with money to select the cutest pet. Teachers and students had a great time and raised over $200 for Feral Fixers!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 10/15 Wine & Whiskers event – we may have more slots available, contact us!
Saturday, 10/19, Adoption event PetSmart 1550 Butterfield Rd Downers Grove, 11 - 3.
Saturday, 11/9 Adoption event PetSmart 63 Rice Lake Square Wheaton 11 - 3.
December 3, 2019 Portillo's Fundraiser 1500 Butterfield Rd Downers Grove 5 – 8. Present this flyer (or show it on your smartphone) and 20% of dine-in, carry-out, drive-thru donated to Feral Fixers!