Growth between the eyes
On Thursday, September 14, Charli delivered 14 cats to PAWS, 10 ferals and 4 friendlies. Of them, 10 were males but two ferals had already been neutered without microchips and no eartips, 4 were females. Dedra picked up.
One of the feral females was Toughy who had an Elephant Man-like growth between her eyes. Luckily, it was attached at a very small point and no infection was present. Being able to focus without that in the way will be an adventure for her! Many thanks to Dr. Von Waldau at PAWS for removing!
Pre-surgery profile
This brings us to 12 s/n's for the trip, 56 for September, 625 for the year and 10,070 since our beginning in 2007.
I can see!
There will be more trips, multiple trips in a week until a break between October 8th and October 29th as we hold our 10K1K10Yr Celebration and our Wine & Whiskers events. Check them out and pre-register! You will have a great time!