Feral Fixers cats at PAWS
On Thursday, 11/10, Feral Fixers again did a double trip day. We sent 8 friendlies to ADOPT's spay/neuter clinic, Laura transported in the AM and Ted picked up the crew in the PM. There were 4 males and 4 females and one of the females had an umbilical hernia. We sent 25 cats to PAWS, 7 friendlies and 18 ferals. One friendly male's surgery was cancelled due to active eye virus, so 11 females and 13 males were neutered, Debbie and Charli transporting in the morning and Debbie and Laura picking the cats up in the evening. This brings us to 32 for Thursday, 66 for the month of November, 930 for the year and 9,365 since 2007, our beginning.
Aren't I cute?
This kitten was left in a volunteer's driveway in a closed up cardboard box on Wednesday afternoon - what if that volunteer hadn't come out of the house the rest of the day? The temps were below 40 degrees overnight. She has a bit of an upper respiratory, due no doubt to the stress. There are many people who think we should "just say no" to taking on any more friendlies and kittens and they are right - but then this happens. A kitten with no one to cover the costs of her spay or the antibiotics to get her over her cold.
Even in a transfer cage I'm still cute!
Some very generous people donated after last week's post, we greatly appreciate it! Now be thinkin' about this little kitten and if you have some change to spare, Feral Fixers can sure use it!
(As always, click on any of the picture thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture)