10 Ferals & 10 Friendlies
Everyone is wanting to get their cats neutered it seems! We've had a cut back in the number of slots we get at PAWS, so it will be interesting to see how many we process by year end. We did manage to get 5 slots on 7/20, so sent 5 friendlies in, 2 males and 3 females. Charli transported in the AM and Debbie picked up in the PM.
Post Op at the end of the day
On 7/21 we had 20 slots, 10 ferals and 10 friendlies were transported by Charli & Debbie in the AM and Debbie & Laura did pickup duty in the PM. Of these, 9 were males and 11 were females with one friendly already being spayed. She didn't get sedated, since her spay scar was discovered before that step and was not willing to go back in her carrier so she is the cat in the cardboard carrier in the hallway - not the usual way we transport cats but in this instance, the safest! The pictures show the hallway when we are the last to pick up and the post-op room after its been emptied out of all the equipment at the end of the day.
Why we need a Facility
If you look at the picture in the garage, you'll see the towels pulled back on the ferals - trying to keep them cool in 90+ degrees. Luckily 6 of the ferals were picked up that evening to go to other, cooler garages for recovery. That left 4 to go in Tammy's basement as the garage is just toooo warm, even overnight when the temperatures are this high - yet another reason we need a location that can be kept cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Hauling the traps up and down the basement stairs is a pain to say the least!
So our numbers are: 24 these two trips, 53 for the month of July, 423 for the year and 8,858 since our beginning.