Last Thursday, Feral Fixers sent in 17 more cats to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic to be fixed. Feral Fixers President Tammy gives us the details of the days trip.

Debbie & Charli transported in the AM and Dedra & Debbie picked up the cats in the PM.

There were cats from a hoarding situation where we needed to be certain that the cats had been neutered previously, so we had a few already neutered.

There were 12 ferals and 2 friendlies (one was a kitten trapped the day before and talking and being petable almost immediately). Of those, 10 were females with one already spayed and 7 were males with 2 already neutered.

This trip 14 neutered, this month 78, this year 130, and since we began 8,565.

One more trip yet this month to go!

Thanks to super-volunteers Debbie, Charli, Dedra and Debbie (once again!) for doing transport.

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