Occasionally, we are asked by our donors if a specific donation or type of donation is tax deductible for them or not. In an effort to try and provide answers to questions of this type, we have prepared a document which explains what you can and cannot consider a charitable donation made to Feral Fixers.
Please note that this document applies only to donations made to Feral Fixers - we do not speak for any other group's tax situation, regardless if they are a 501c3 Charitable organization (as we are) or if they have any other kind of legal structure.
We have had this document reviewed and approved by our Tax Accountant, so we believe it is based on solid legal ground. However, if you have a specific question about anything charitable donation related which is not addressed or clearly answered in the document, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you.