This past Thursday (the 17th) Feral Fixers made another trip to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic, bringing in some more cats to be fixed. This is our (almost certainly) last trip of the year to PAWS. Feral Fixers president Tammy fills us in on the trip details:

We sent 16 friendlies in yesterday to PAWS. Debbie & Charli AM and Debbie in PM. 10 females and 6 males. These were kittens that we still have on hand that had URI previously and a couple that people have taken into their homes. We did this despite having no time and limited transport help, unable to do more than these 16.

Next trip for friendlies only will be sometime in January. But will still not be an open invitation as there are too many other tasks to get caught up on!

This brings our December totals to 34 cats, our yearly total to 1,145 cats and our overall total, since our first trip on September 8th, 2007 to 8,423 cats spayed/neutered due to the efforts of Feral Fixers.

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