Feral Fixers president Tammy alerts to us something that looks like a bargain but is really not...
Many people have purchased their own traps and purchased traps to donate to us. I feel the need to warn about this product - the humane traps available for purchase at Harbor Freight. They are currently on sale for $25! What a bargain! NOT! The trap doors are of insufficient size to keep the animal from escaping. The door is not long enough, not wide enough, cats have enough room to pry their way out. The metal itself will break more easily = fewer options for modification. Leo, our trap guru, has tried every idea to making them reliable, to no avail. Better to spend two or three times the money and have no escapees.
Our ultimate use will be to wire the door open permanently and use for pre-baiting only. Please do not waste your money, no matter how good a deal it appears - even with the 20% off coupon!
So everyone, beware of and avoid this trap - and pass the word...
(Click on the picture thumbnail to see a full-size picture)