No, this is not a post about our latest trip to PAWS...
One of our truly awesome volunteers is Judy Walker. Her tireless efforts on behalf of the cats are way above and beyond what anyone might expect from a volunteer. Because of her dedication, she is often the "point of the sword" when it comes to taking care of abandoned and homeless cats and kittens. Her plea here for more fosters is worth reading in its entirety:
Why yet another posting for foster homes, you may ask? I certainly can understand that people get tired of constantly seeing the same request. We have been trying to trap at a frenetic pace to get to as many colonies, both large and small, before we are forced to suspend our efforts until next spring. The calls continue to come in day by day, even hour by hour, requesting help with both adults and kittens. In an effort to highlight why the need for fosters is ongoing and urgent, I thought it might be helpful to try to list all of the kittens and cats we have brought in and are "holding" for fostering and subsequent adoption, and, all of these just within the past two weeks.
5 kittens (ages 5 weeks to 8 weeks) from large colony in industrial location of Addison. (1 kitten (Fancy) in foster home.) 17 adults and young adults trapped, vetted, and returned.
2 kittens (6 to 7 weeks old) from Streamwood. (1 kitten (Streusel) in foster home.) Mother cat trapped, spayed, returned.
2 kittens (8 to 9 weeks old) from Carol Stream. Mother cat trapped, spayed, returned.
1 kitten (3 months old) from north side of Glen Ellyn.
6 kittens (6 to 8 weeks) from location in Oak Brook - 3 of them went to West Suburban Humane Society. I still have three little boys. Some of the adults have been trapped and vetted - working on trapping the others.
3 kittens (8 weeks old) from Elmhurst. Mother cat trapped, spayed, returned.
3 kittens (12 weeks old) from Glen Ellyn/Glendale Heights area. 15 adults and young adults trapped, vetted, and returned.
2 kittens (6 weeks old) (Francesca and Frankie) from garage in Carol Stream. In a wonderful foster home!
3 kittens (10 to 12 weeks) from Villa Park. Adults trapped, vetted, and returned.
2 kittens (5 weeks old) from small industrial area in Westmont. Two adults trapped, working on remaining 15 this week. More kittens likely.
1 kitten (10 weeks old) found starving outside in Villa Park. He has since been transferred to West Suburban's specialized foster.
1 kitten (3 months old) trapped and rescued after being found with her leg caught in the slats of a fence. Currently at Glen Ellyn clinic, will be coming to Tammy's after her leg is amputated on Monday. (More later on this wonderful little girl!)
5 kittens (6 to 8 weeks) from location in Addison, are in a foster home. Trapping ongoing, with more kittens likely.
A Siamese male, a 4 paw declaw calico, and a Maine Coon mix female are the adults I am currently holding in cages in my garage, too, all brought into us within the past two weeks.
There is a volunteer working on trapping a young kitten holed up under the storage containers at the Walmart store on Rt. 83. I have 3 kittens (7 weeks old) I am planning on trapping on Monday, plus the mom, from another location in Streamwood. There are 4 kittens, about 3 months old, at a location in Elmhurst. On and on and on it goes. We don't have any more space in our "holding areas", but how can we say no to any one of these little ones, especially with winter breathing down our necks.
Some of our wonderful current fosters are needing a break (at least the husbands do!). I also have a couple of fosters that are requesting their kittens be transferred to another home for various reasons.
Our need for fosters is ongoing, and it is urgent! This snapshot in time is what we deal with on a continuing basis. A huge "thank you" to the shelters who so willingly take kittens and adults from us as they are able. We still need help! Please, if you have a spare room and some extra time and love, consider helping us with these recent rescues through fostering and preparing them for a home of their own. Think of how rewarding it will be to know these little ones are safe, warm, and happy in their own homes when it is zero degrees outside!
Thank you for reading, considering, and sharing.
Judy Walker
The only thing I can add to this is that we need fosters to be local (i.e., within a half-hour drive of Lombard) or else willing to do all of the transport associated with fostering.
Thank you!