Feral Fixers made another trip to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic on Sunday. Feral Fixers president Tammy gives us the details:
We sent 6 feral cats to PAWS on Sunday. Cathi transported both to and from and said it was a great day at PAWS - things went smoothly! We had two females who may be the last of the adults from the Addison project - Yea! This brings us to 144 cats for the month, 1,086 for the year and 7,062 since we began! Just five more weeks to go!
Thank you to super-volunteer Cathi for stepping up and doing the trip both ways!
The "five more weeks to go" refers to how long we have until the end of the Feral Fixers TNR season. If you have any cats that need to be TNR'd, please contact Feral Fixers at your earliest convenience so that we can get you on the schedule.