Today, Feral Fixers brought in 39 more cats to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic. 34 of these cats were feral while the remaining five were 'friendly ferals'.
Super-volunteer Charli helped me pick up the cats from Tammy's this morning and take them to PAWS (Thanks Charli!) while super-volunteer Stacy helped me pick up the cats from PAWS this afternoon and bring them back to Tammy's for recovery and distribution (Thanks Stacy!). And, as always, super-volunteer Judy was at Tammy's borth in the morning and afternoon helping out with everything necessary to make this all work (Thanks Judy!).
One of the ferals turns out to have already been spayed, so today we had fixed a total of 38 cats. 12 of these were males while the remaining 26 cats were females! If you figure a litter of four from each, twice this year (just "ordinary production"), this single load prevented a total of 208 kittens being born, just this year! And of course, those kittens could have had kittens, etc., etc., etc. And many of those would have been put into shelters and displacing (and condemning to death) adult cats already there. Truly, TNR saves lives...
With these 38 cats, Feral Fixers has processed 57 cats for June, 389 for the year and 5,122 since we began work.