The Petco Foundation is offering a new way for animal welfare organizations to raise money. The rules are a little confusing, so bear with me...
Each Animal Welfare organization that wishes to raise money through this Fundraiser registers themselves with Petco (Feral Fixers has done this and is now on their list). People can then help their favorite organization (and you do want to support Feral Fixers, yes?) by "joining" the Feral Fixers team and submitting a photograph (or more than one) of a pet or a to-be-adopted pet and/or "voting" for the Feral Fixers pet pictures by donating $1 per vote (minimum contribution is $5). If an organization can raise $1,500 or more through this fundraiser, they then collect the full amount that has been donated on their behalf. If they raise less than $1,500, the money is split up and donated to various animal welfare organizations. There are also prizes available based on certain donation levels achieved.
So, you can post a picture for others to vote for or you can donate to Feral Fixers by voting for the pictures yourself. As I mentioned above, the minimum donation amount is $5 (which you can divide up among one or more pictures) and there is no maximum.
To vote, you must first register with the Petco Foundation - you can do so here.
So, vote early, vote often and, if you have a special picture of your pet that you think others would vote for, please enter it as part of the Feral Fixers team.
The contest runs through April 29th - thank you!