The coolest show on TV, without a meow-doubt, is MUST LOVE CATS. Even though the first season is over, I can re-watch many of the episodes simply by going to their online site;

Humans do many cool things, but this is one of the coolest. It's hard to pick my favorite episode, but if I had to go with one, I think I would pick "Cat Poo Coffee". It just goes to show that there is no "end" (pun intended) to which we will go to please our humans...

The only problem now is waiting for the second season to begin... Come on guys - we're waiting - a second season would be purrfect!

Our love of fish is well known - they make tasty, tasty treats. But what is not so well known is that we can be buddies with them too, especially if they're bigger than we are!

I present the following as "Exhibit A"... (click on the picture to see the video clip).

And yes, I know, dolphin's aren't technically 'fish', they're 'mammals', but still, I bet they'd be tasty...

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