Last Thursday, Feral Fixers sent in 23 more cats to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic to be fixed. Feral Fixers President Tammy gives us the scoop...

On Thursday we sent 23 cats in to PAWS, 14 ferals and 9 friendlies. Charli & Debbie took the cats in the AM and Dedra & Debbie picked up in the PM. There was a very high percentage of females at PAWS - of 68 cats, 48 were females and 20 were males, and they did a total of 90 surgeries according to our sources. Cats returned in two groups, Dedra did not depart PAWS until almost 8PM.

We contributed 16 females and 7 males to their totals. One of our kittens needed a hernia repair but other than that our cats were pretty straightforward.

We have 23 for this trip, 66 for the month of September so far, 774 for the year and 8,052 since our beginning.

Thank you Charli! Thank you Debbie! Thank you Dedra! And thank you Debbie again!

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